Merrimack College is a selective, and privet college in the Catholic “Augustinian” tradition whose mission is to enlighten minds, engage hearts and empower lives. The college located in North Andover, Massachusetts.
The college offers undergraduate degrees, graduate programs, and a range of bachelor’s degree completion programs. Throughout the curriculum, students can take advantage of hands-on opportunities including cooperative education and internships, research with faculty, study abroad and service learning. Consequently, Merrimack’s curriculum emphasizes the liberal arts and graduates are prepared to be imaginative, analytical, aware of trends and historical perspectives, clear thinkin
g and adaptable to changes in their career.
With Merrimack’s culture, there is a big part of an Athletics and Enthusiastic spirit. There is always something going on at Merrimack. Through Augie’s Pub and on-campus concerts to the fitness center and intramural sports, “Our 24/7 residential campus is a hub of activity.”
نورث اندوفر هي بلدة في مقاطعة اسيكس، من ولاية ماساتشوستس، الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، وبلغ عدد السكان 28352 نسمة في عام 2010، يتلقى المدينة مساحة إجمالية قدرها 27 . 8 ميل مربع، وتتميز بالمناخ القاري الرطب .