116576 - Bachelor Dentistry
Almansourah University, Mansoura, Egypt
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Program Name
Study duration
5 year(s)
Beginning of study
02/10 last date for application 02/11
(Some universities accept the application after the deadline)
What do you want to study?
Study time
Study method
In-Campus only
Attendance type
Full time
Annual cost
6000 USD
Conditional admission
High school Transcript
شهادة الثانوية: كشف علامات لاخر ثلاث سنوات دراسية
High school certificate
1.الشهادة الثانوية 2. لا يحتاج الطالب لشهادة التوفل او الايلتس، عليه فقط ان يتمتع لغة انجليزية جيده تؤهله للدراسة باللغة الانجليزيه و للنجاح بامتحان القبول .
Conditional admission
Time for admission
2 - 4 week(s)
Student GPA
80.00 / 100
Mansoura - Egypt
About the university
Originally the University of Cairo’s Faculty of Medicine, Al Mansourah University became an independent university under the name East Delta University in 1972, becoming Al Mansourah University a year later. Known for its medical facilities, Al Mansourah University is home to nine hospitals of different varieties - a children’s hospital, a Medical Experimental Research Centre, (MERC) and the largest Urology and Nephrology Centre in all of Africa. Its main campus is host to 15 faculties, while the faculties of arts, special education, tourism and hotels, and kindergartens are all located off-campus. Located approximately 120 kilometers northwest of Cairo, the university is located in the town
of Mansourah, on the east bank of the Nile. It welcomes just shy of 110,000 students to its campus annually, 4% of which are international
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Manoura is a beautiful city in Egypt with a fascinating history. The city is where King Louis IX of France was captured and ransomed. In fact, students studying in the city can visit his prison at the house of a judge called ibn Lokman. Other popular attractions or activities for students (and tourists) include walking by the Nile, taking a short boat ride through the Nile to the neighboring city of Talkha, visiting "Gezirat El-Ward" public gardens, and looking at any of the private social clubs
in Mansoura "Geziret El-Ward", "El-Hawar" or "Mansoura Stadium.” Mansoura is famous for its architectural style, especially the Shinnawi Palace, and, like Cairo, Alexandria, and Port Said, was once home to a flourishing Greek community as well as an active Italian community, leaving behind a very interesting cultural scene enjoyed by all who visit.
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