12454 - Bachelor Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Accounting)
Monash University Malaysia Campus, Selangor, Malaysia
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Program Name
Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Accounting)
Study duration
3 year(s)
Beginning of study
27/02 last date for application 18/11
23/10 last date for application 21/08
(Some universities accept the application after the deadline)
What do you want to study?
Study time
Study method
In-Campus only
Attendance type
Full time
Annual cost
Conditional admission
التوفل: يجب على االطالب الذي لا يرغب بدراسة الدورة التحضيرية للغة الانجليزية الحصول على شهادة امتحان التوفل أو الأيلتس - ان لا يتجاوز تاريخ اصدار الشهادة عن سنتين
الأيلتس: يجب على االطالب الذي لا يرغب بدراسة الدورة التحضيرية للغة الانجليزية الحصول على شهادة امتحان التوفل أو الأيلتس - ان لا يتجاوز تاريخ اصدار الشهادة عن سنتين
High school Transcript
شهادة الثانوية: كشف علامات لاخر ثلاث سنوات دراسية باللغة الانجليزية
High school certificate
شهادة الثانوية:الشهادة باللغة الانجليزية
Conditional admission
Time for admission
2 - 4 week(s)
Student GPA
2.50 / 4
Selangor - Malaysia
About the university
Monash University is one of the world’s leading international education institutions located in Australia. As one of the eight Monash University campuses, the Malaysian campus is concerned for all matters related to academic development, teaching and support. The Malaysian campus of Monash University opened in 1998 and is located in Selangor, Malaysia. It has been given the rating of “excellent” by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education. A wide range of graduate, undergraduate and research degree programs in varied fields of study are offered. Furthermore, Monash University has several services and facilities including; student support, libraries, international students support, counsell
ing services, many clubs & activities, a career center, disability support and more.
Show moreUniversity Location
Selangor is a Malaysia state located on the west coast. The state capital is Shah Alam, the first city in the state of Selangor. It is a richer and more developed state with a high standard of living and low poverty rate. With its largest seaport, the Kuala Lumpur International Airport, and its general infrastructure, its transportation network is among the best in the region. In addition to the existence of major institutions of higher education and universities, such as the University of Selan
gor, the University of Selangor International Islamic University, there are a number of English language institutes. There are also a number of attractions and amusement parks, including the Mainz Wonderland nightclub, the famous Golden Horse Hotel, and the Sunway Lagoon Theme Park.
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