132444 - Bachelor Global Security and Intelligence Studies
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, Arizona , USA
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Program Name
Global Security and Intelligence Studies
Study duration
4 year(s)
Beginning of study
18/05 last date for application 01/03
29/06 last date for application 01/03
30/08 last date for application 01/06
12/01 last date for application 01/10
(Some universities accept the application after the deadline)
What do you want to study?
Study time
Study method
In-Campus only
Attendance type
Full time
Annual cost
39116 USD
Conditional admission
يجب على االطالب الذي لا يرغب بدراسة الدورة التحضيرية للغة الانجليزية الحصول على شهادة امتحان التوفل - ان لا يتجاوز تاريخ اصدار الشهادة عن سنتين
يجب على االطالب الذي لا يرغب بدراسة الدورة التحضيرية للغة الانجليزية الحصول على شهادة امتحان الأيلتس و تكون جميع العلامات الفرعية اعلى من 6 - ان لا يتجاوز تاريخ اصدار الشهادة عن سنتين
High school Transcript
كشف العلامات باللغة الانجليزية
High school certificate
الشهادة الجامعية باللغة الانجليزية
يجب على الطالب ان يقدم احدى الشهادتين سات أو أي سي تي وأن لا يتجاوز تاريخ اصدارها عن سنتين.
Recommendation letter
رسالة توصية للطالب موجهة من الجامعة أو من العمل
Bank statement
53,043 USD
على الطالب تقديم شهادة بنكية بتاريخ لا يتجاوز ال 3 اشهر و ويجب ان لا تقل عن مبلغ محدد يتضمن تكالف الدراسة للسنة الواحد و متوسط مصاريف المعيشة و المصاريف الشخصية
Conditional admission
Time for admission
2 - 4 week(s)
Student GPA
2.00 / 4
Prescott - Arizona - USA
About the university
Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University the world’s oldest and largest fully accredited university specializing in aviation and aerospace. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Prescott, Arizona campus is respected worldwide for cutting-edge instruction and training for tomorrow’s aviation, aerospace, security and intelligence leaders. Prescott is a mile-high city and its climate reflects seasonable weather excellent for flying. Daytime averages are 80°F in the summer and 45°F in the winter. The local mountains reflect the spirit of the West, where students enjoy skiing, hiking, mountain biking, kayaking, rock climbing, and tours of the Grand Canyon. Prescott is a residential campus of Embry
-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. The university offers bachelor, master's, and PhD degree programs in arts, sciences, aviation, business, engineering, and security & intelligence. The Prescott campus also offers a master's degree in Safety Science, Security & Intelligence, and Cyber Intelligence & Security.
Show moreUniversity Location
Prescott is the mile high city, located in Yavapai County amidst the stunning natural beauty of north central Arizona. The city’s motto is “Welcome to Everybody’s hometown” and the 40,000 people who live there foster a community that truly makes it feel like home, no matter whom you are. The city has a strategic location at the convergence of the Granite and Miller Creeks and was once the designated capital of the Arizona Territory. The historic downtown and mountain-flanked surroundings of the
city charm visitors with eye-catching Victorian buildings, breezy sidewalk cafes, a tree-lined central plaza and a burgeoning arts scene. The city is easy to explore and is full of nothing but good vibes.
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