132881 - Bachelor International development with economics
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
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Program Name
International development with economics
Study duration
3 year(s)
Beginning of study
01/09 last date for application 01/07
(Some universities accept the application after the deadline)
What do you want to study?
Study time
Study method
In-Campus only
Attendance type
Full time
Annual cost
22809 USD
Conditional admission
يجب على الطالب الذي لا يرغب بدراسة الدورة التحضيرية للغة الانجليزية الحصول على شهادة امتحان الأيلتس المخصص لبريطانيا على ان لا يتجاوز تاريخ اصدار الشهادة عن سنتين. بحيث لا تقل العلامة عن 5.5 في الاقسام الاربعة قراءة، كتابة, محادثة, استماع
High school Transcript
كشف العلامات لاخر 3 سنوات دراسية باللغة الانجليزية
High school certificate
الشهادة الثانوية باللغة الانجليزية
Foundation Year
يجب على الطالب دراسة سنة تحضيرية قبل البدء بالبرنامج؛ الا اذا كان حاصل على شهادة التعليم الدولي
Personal statement
خطاب من الطالب للجامعة يوضح انجازاته و طموحه و خططه المستقبلية و سبب التقديم على هذه الجامعة
Conditional admission
Time for admission
1 - 2 week(s)
Student GPA
75.00 / 100
Norwich - UK
About the university
The University of East Anglia Established in 1963 and with teaching space initially for around 1200 students, UEA is now home to 17,000 students ,received the gold award, given by the Teaching Excellence Framework. This award recognizes the quality of the teaching and the commitment of the staff to ensure the success of each individual student. They are leaders in overall student satisfaction, ranked in the top 5 of the UK by the National Student Survey. The university is known for pioneering small group teaching techniques, cutting-edge scientific research, and offering the first creative writing courses in the UK. No matter what university means to you, UEA will help you develop and grow
independently in order to ensure you find the right balance for a successful student experience. They will support you at every step of the way and if you ever need to talk, their Student Support Service is always available to listen. Just beyond the campus is the beautiful city of Norwich. The rich cultural community is bustling with shops, restaurants, and bars and is the perfect backdrop to your student life. Study at UEA to experience the campus lifestyle and the unique buzz of the city.
Show moreUniversity Location
Norwich is a city on the River Wensum in East Anglia, located 100 miles northeast of London. The affluent and easy-going city is a rich tapestry of meandering alleys liberally sprinkled with architectural jewels – spoils of the city's medieval wool boom. A magnificent cathedral and the impressive Norman castle look down on the city center, where timber-framed buildings run along the city’s quiet lanes. The large student population simultaneously gives the city a relaxed vibe and an exciting atmo
sphere, with thriving market places and quick access to beaches. Norwich is also known for being designated as UNESCO’s first city of literature.
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