80684 - Bachelor Medicine 6-year program

Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland

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Medical University of Bialystok

Bialystok - Poland

About the university

The Medical University of Bialystok, created in 1950, is a dynamically expanding institution of higher education, distinguished among Polish academic centers. It consists of 3 faculties in the fields of Medicine, Pharmacy and Health Sciences. In addition to the university’s teaching hospital which offers a wide variety of health services, ranging from simple procedures to highly specialized ones. Alongside comes research which is another important part of the university’s structure; as the University offers modern facilities to conduct scientific research such as; the Center for Experimental Medicine, the Euroregional Pharmacy Center and the Innovative Research Center. Furthermore, student

s can take part in many organizations such as; the Students Scientific Society, the Polish Dental Students Association, the University Choir and many more.

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University Location

Białystok is the largest city in northeastern Poland and the capital of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Located in the Białystok Uplands of the Podlaskie Plain on the banks of the Biała River, Białystok has historically attracted migrants from elsewhere in Poland and beyond, creating a melting pot of cultures and giving the city a unique atmosphere. In the charming city you can visit the impressive Branickis' Palace or admire the beautiful 19th-century architecture of Warszawska Street or follow the

historic Jewish Heritage Trail. Performances at the Białystok Puppet Theater are great entertainment, as is the dining experience at a local milk bar.

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