87847 - Bachelor Business Management with Law - honors
University of Salford, Salford, UK
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Program Name
Business Management with Law - honors
Study duration
3 year(s)
Beginning of study
01/09 last date for application 30/06
01/01 last date for application 01/11
(Some universities accept the application after the deadline)
What do you want to study?
Study time
Study method
In-Campus only
Attendance type
Full time
Annual cost
16889 USD
Conditional admission
يجب على االطالب الذي لا يرغب بدراسة الدورة التحضيرية للغة الانجليزية الحصول على شهادة امتحان الأيلتس و تكون جميع العلامات الفرعية اعلى من 5.5 - ان لا يتجاوز تاريخ اصدار الشهادة عن سنتين
High school Transcript
يجب على الطالب دراسة سنة تحضيرية قبل البدء بالبرنامج؛ الا اذا كان حاصل على شهادة التعليم الدولي
High school certificate
الشهادة الثانوية باللغة الانجليزية
Personal statement
خطاب من الطالب للجامعة يوضح انجازاته و طموحه و خططه المستقبلية و سبب التقديم على هذه الجامعة
Conditional admission
Time for admission
4 - 6 week(s)
Student GPA
60.00 / 100
Salford - UK
About the university
University Location
Salford is a city in the greater Manchester area, located immediately to the west of the City of Manchester. The city has an extremely diverse landscape, ranging from an urban city center environment along its Manchester border to more suburban areas, semi-rural towns, and finally open fields. Manchester’s influence remains strong on the city and many people see themselves as Manchester residents. However, Salford offers a more personal, community driven lifestyle that many prefer to the big cit
y, with affluent areas that can rival the attraction found across city lines. Extensve shops, restaurants, and interesting architecture can be found in Salford, making it a fun and lively place to live.
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