Phoenix East Aviation is a nationally accredited and internationally-recognized flight academy, located in sunny Florida, offers FAA approved courses for international and U.S. students planning careers as professional airline pilots & flight dispatchers. Founded in 1972, Phoenix East Aviation has gained recognition as one of the finest educational training facilities throughout the world.
Since 1972, we have trained more than 12,000 pilots and within just two weeks of arriving at our renowned Florida flight academy, you too will be flying at the controls of one of our modern fleet of aircraft taking your first lesson.
Our teaching experience, industry credentials and professional reputatio
n have been built up over more than 40 years of aviation excellence and we appreciate how important our heritage is to your future.
Making the decision to become a pilot is an exciting move. Our admissions experts are here to help guide you each step of the way. From accommodation and transportation, to obtaining your visa to financial advice, we believe that we are the friendliest and most helpful academy around.
Daytona Beach is a city in Volusia County, Florida, United States, located about 51 miles (82.1 km) northeast of Orlando and 86 miles (138.4 km) southeast of Jacksonville. The city, famous as the "World Center of Racing" and home of NASCAR, is part of the East Central Florida greater metropolitan area. Daytona Beach is the best known of the seven area communities. Although the wide 23-mile (37km) stretch of white sandy beach is still the biggest attraction here, with over 8 million visitors floc
king to the area every year, the metro area is rapidly changing from event location to family oriented resort destination. Historical sites like the Main Street Pier, the Oceanfront Boardwalk and the Clocktower in Oceanfront Park add to the appeal of this exciting city.