Novosibirsk State University is a unique institution, existing in close cooperation with R&D institutions and it is demonstrating rapid and dynamic growth, it is in top 100 universities with the best student-to-staff ratios. the university is located in Akademgorodok a part of the Sovetsky District of the city of Novosibirsk, Russia, It is the educational and scientific centre of Siberia. where idyllic proximity to nature is impressively combined with developed infrastructure as one can find everything necessary for the active full life: big shopping malls and smaller supermarkets, cafes and restaurants, drug stores and medical centers, fitness centers and swimming pools, places for beach-re
lated rest and for winter entertainments, and it is first and foremost Akademgorodok is a scientific center. NSU’s students, graduates and faculty lead active research lives in 35 institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science.